Looking for Career Help?

Practitioners provide a variety of career development services. Based on their levels of education, training, years of experience, and professional credentials, they may be Career Counselors or Career Services Providers (Coaches, Advisors, Consultants). All practitioners listed in this directory hold a professional credential through NCDA, having passed a rigorous certification process to earn a national, portable credential.

Are you looking for career help? Depending on your unique needs, you may choose to contact one of these credentialed holders listed in this directory, based on their background, experience, and/or their geographic location. NCDA credentialed holders are independent practitioners and their prices for services vary. Please contact a practitioner of your choosing and view their websites for details. Keep in mind, if the geographic search below does not result in numerous providers in your area, you can look beyond geography because many providers work virtually.

The NCDA Credentials represented by practitioners in our directory include the following:

  • Certified Career Counselor (CCC)
  • Certified Master of Career Services (CMCS)
  • Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP)
  • Certified School Career Development Advisor (CSCDA)
  • Certified Clinical Supervisor of Career Counseling (CCSCC)

For a quick look at the similarities and differences, view the NCDA Career Services Practitioner Comparison Chart. To learn about NCDA Credentials, visit www.ncdacredentialing.org. [If you are a credential holder and wish to be included in this directory, please see your welcome email or maintenance email for details.]

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Why Seek Career Help?

You may be considering working with a career services professional, such as a counselor or coach, to learn more about yourself and how to carry out decisions and plans that relate to your career path such as:

  • job searching
  • personal branding (resume writing or Linkedin profile)
  • a career transition
  • additional education
  • professional training and industry certification
  • and work~life integration.

Whether you are thinking about seeking services at a private practice, school/college setting, government agency or community/non-profit organization, you have a choice in the type of career services practitioner you wish to work with (or wish to have your child work with) on action plans to explore, set and reach your goals. Please refer to the NCDA Career Services Practitioner Comparison Chart to assist you in understanding the person who may be helping you.


What is a Career Professional? What is a Career Counselor?

As defined in the NCDA Code of Ethics, the term Career Professional includes career counselors, career coaches, career consultants, career development facilitators, and anyone else who is a member of NCDA and provides career counseling, career advice/advising, career coaching, career planning, job search assistance, and/or related services. The Code of Ethics further defines a Career Counselor as a professional (or a student who is a career counselor-in-training) with an advanced degree (master’s or doctoral level) in counselor education, counseling psychology or closely related counseling degree, engaged in a career counseling practice or other career counseling-related services. Career counselors fulfill many roles and responsibilities such as career counselor educators, researchers, supervisors, practitioners, and consultants.

What Services Do Career Professionals Offer?

Services of career professionals differ, depending on the professional's level of training, competence, setting, client needs, and other factors. Career counselors, those professionals attaining at least a Master's degree in counseling or a related degree and who hold state or national license or credentials, advise, coach, and counsel individuals to develop and put into action decisions and plans related to lifestyles and career paths. Strategies, techniques, and assessments used by career counselors are tailored to the specific needs and cultural/diversity considerations of the individual seeking assistance. Depending upon the career counselor's role and services provided, it is likely one or more of the following services will be offered:

  • Conduct individual and group personal counseling sessions addressing the connection between personal and career issues as related to career/life goals and the importance of understanding the overlap between work and other life roles.
  • Create a supportive environment to promote self-advocacy and determination.
  • Administer and interpret assessments and inventories to evaluate interests, values, abilities, skills, personality traits, and other factors to increase self knowledge and identify career options.
  • Facilitate exploratory activities using customized approaches to gather information and increase level of knowledge.
  • Introduce, educate, and apply decision-making skills to promote making informed education and career decisions.
  • Demonstrate and advise on the use of computer-based systems and internet services as a tool to assist individuals in career planning and understanding the world of work.
  • Collaboratively develop short and/or long-term individualized career plans.
  • Teach job search strategies and skills to assist in areas such as networking, resume critiques, interview techniques, labor market trends, and salary negotiation.
  • Guide through exploration of graduate and professional school options, timeline, preparation, testing requirements and the application process.
  • Provide support for individuals experiencing job conflicts, job stress, job loss, and career transition.
  • Provide assistance in the selection of a graduate or professional school.
  • Make appropriate referrals to other professionals, organizations, and community resources based upon individual's unique needs or as a result of counselor's limitations.
  • Present and consult with the general public on career development information and resources.
  • Engage in local, state and/or national career development issues affecting social policies and legislation.
  • and more!

Are Self-Help Resources Available Online?

Yes. While career services professionals are recommended, individuals may access some limited self-help tools online. NCDA provides links to a variety of websites in the Resources section, specifically under "Internet Sites for Career Planning". Many professionals refer clients to these links as well.