
Need Career Help? Find an NCDA Member!

Career Help from NCDA Credentialed Members

NCDA members are practitioners who provide a variety of career development services. Based on their levels of education, training, years of experience, and professional credentials, they may be Career Counselors or Career Services Providers (Coaches, Advisors, Consultants). All practitioners listed in this directory hold a professional credential through NCDA, having passed a rigorous certification process to earn a national, portable credential. Depending on your unique needs, you may choose to contact one of these credentialed members, based on their background, experience, and/or their geographic location. NCDA credentialed members are independent practitioners and their prices for services vary. Please contact members and view their websites for details.

The NCDA Credentials represented by practitioners in our directory include the following:

For a quick look at the similarities and differences, view the NCDA Career Services Practitioner Comparison Chart. To learn about NCDA Credentials, visit www.ncdacredentialing.org

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